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Pazazz apple partnership promotes cancer health check

This February during National Cancer Prevention Month, Chef Elle Simone Scott of America’s Test Kitchen will be inspiring consumers with Pazazz recipes. She will invite them to visit the American Institute for Cancer Research online tool to take the cancer health check and see how they measure up to current recommendations for cancer prevention.

Chef Elle Simone Scott
Chef Elle Simone Scott

Honeybear Brands invites retailers to participate in the program and encourage their shoppers to purchase Pazazz apples and take the quiz. In-store signage will include a QR code driving consumers to the quiz and inspiring video recipes. Honeybear Brands will be supporting the program with a robust social media campaign.

“We are so fortunate to partner with AICR and Chef Elle Simone Scott this February. Raising awareness about the impact of what we eat on our health and wellness has never been more important,” said Kristi Harris, Honeybear Brands brand manager. “Apples have powerful health benefits. Chef Elle’s Pazazz apples recipes are proof that food can taste good and be good for you.”

Chef Elle is spreading the word about the health benefits of eating apples. Check out her Instagram  after Feb. 1 for a series of tasty Pazazz apple-centric recipes straight from the library of the popular PBS show America’s Test Kitchen.  In addition to being a celebrity chef and America’s Test Kitchen food stylist, Chef Elle is also a cancer survivor and Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance board member.

Pazazz Apples Are a Best Pick
Pazazz apples are a late-season apple that, unlike others, improves in quality through the season, which runs between late fall through summer.  A cross between the all-American favorite Honeycrisp and mystery pollinator, this special apple has that unmistakable wow-factor.

Pazazz is both perfectly sweet and tangy with an explosive, loud crunch.  It’s often described as the jolly-rancher of apples, or Honeycrisp with giddy-up.

An Apple a Day Keeps Disease Away
Apples provide dietary fiber along with many polyphenol compounds that work with gut microbes to boost cancer-fighting defenses in the body. A diet rich in fiber can help lower the risk of  some cancers while having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, one medium apple has about four grams of dietary fiber, and AICR recommends eating at least 30 grams of dietary fiber per day as part of a healthy eating and risk reducing pattern.

“Our food choices along with other lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity play a critical role in our overall health and wellbeing. AICR’s Cancer Health Check is a fun and interactive tool to help people assess their current lifestyle choices and how and where they can improve to stack the odds in their favor,” said Sheena Patel Swanner, AICR’s director of nutrition Programs. 

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February 4, 2025
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