Market Minute: Water heavily challenging the produce markets
Did you know that 97 percent of the water on Earth is in the oceans leaving only 3 percent as fresh water? Water is everywhere. Lettuce contains 96 percent water; a tomato has 95 percent and a potato is 80 percent water.
Rain is a substantial source of water required for farms in order for crops to grow. However, too much rain can also cause a crisis, especially if it floods the fields and damages the agronomics. This can place a huge difficulty in delaying harvests due to waterlogged field conditions.
Since California was impacted with heavy rain and wind, it no doubt physically damaged some of the crops, especially strawberries. Growers are in the process of draining their flooded areas. We’ll know more results of losses after farmers evaluate their fields.
Florida is also experiencing some cooler temperatures and rain during their strawberry deal. The Mexican berry production is getting more demand because of shortages but places it in a demand exceeds position.
In the meantime, produce directors and buyers are trying to develop the best ad program of lead items during the strawberry production challenge. There are still many other items to consider such as bananas, potatoes, asparagus, apples and clementines. Stay close by communicating with your suppliers and also to place your orders early.
Ron Pelger is a produce industry adviser and industry writer. He can be contacted at 775/843-2394 or by e-mail at [email protected].