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Market Minute: Plan now for promoting berries and grapes

Ron Pelger

This past winter has complicated trying to put together the normal timing of crop items for promotions. It’s been storm after storm and low temperatures on a regular basis that have challenged produce directors all winter. But the weather has turned around and sunnier warmer days finally arrived helping the crop growth into production.grape display

Start planning those high tonnage performing items in grapes and berries in the weeks just ahead. Yields are starting to increase in new crop supplies.

  • Red and Green Grapes: Demand is moderate and the market is rising. Chile and Peru grape supply is diminishing. The quality fluctuates. New crop out of Mexico will be increasing. Watch for deals to start soon.
  • Strawberries: Demand is fairly light on a steady market. California weather has warmed up and is increasing growth. Quality is excellent. Supply should increase by the beginning of May. Mother's Day demand will be heavy. Make your plans now with suppliers to cover promotions.
  • Blueberries: Demand is fairly good and the market is steady. Central and northern Florida are starting up production. Lighter production out of Mexico with good quality.
  • Raspberries and Blackberries: Look for lighter supplies from Mexico. California should see an increase in production by early May.

Check out these items with your suppliers to make sure product and costs are suitable for your ad promotions.

Ron Pelger is a produce industry adviser and industry writer. He can be contacted at 775/843-2394 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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