Nostalgia brings Rave apples campaign to life
Rave brand MN55 cultivar apples are back in season and with that not only comes high-quality, outrageously juicy apples, but another exciting consumer-facing digital campaign designed to help consumers win gold.
Inspired by Ronald Dahl’s fictional character Willy Wonka and the search for golden tickets, the Golden Raves campaign is an all-digital campaign that encourages consumers to scratch a digital Rave-themed ticket for a chance to win. Brianna Shales, Stemilt marketing director, feels the theme of this campaign is the perfect way to bring back a story that many find themselves fond of and provide a moment to reminiscence during a time when it is needed most.
“Nostalgia marketing has been making headlines the last couple of years, especially with the millennial target market. A study shows that millennials reminisce more than other age group, so we felt the nostalgia of the Willy Wonka story would be a delightful way to appeal to that group while also immersing them within the Rave brand,” said Shales. “The landing page is simple to navigate and optimized for both desktop and mobile, making it easy for anyone to play.”
To play, participants are required to enter their name and email address which unlocks the ticket for them to scratch with either their cursor or finger. After they have “scratched” the ticket, they will learn instantly if they win. Prizes include money gift cards, Tile Mates and fresh Rave apples as well as the opportunity to give back through Gifts for Good. After playing, consumers will also have the chance to learn more about Rave apples and use the store locator to find the apple in their area.
The campaign went live Friday, Aug. 13 and lasts through the month of September. With the hopes to drive brand awareness and initiate Rave purchases during the apple’s short season, multiple Instagram influencers will share the campaign on their platforms to encourage their followers to participate.
“We chose to partner with people who live in key target market areas that can work close with retail partners who carry Rave, however we also seek people out who truly enjoy Rave apples and the brand’s essence,” said Shales. “These influencers play a critical role in building Rave into a recognizable and memorable apple brand, especially during its short time frame.”
Harvest for the apple started the last week of July in Washington state, and will be followed by Michigan and New York crops in mid-August. Rave has a unique category advantage because it’s the first new crop Honeycrisp-cross to make it to markets. This attribute on top of its crisp, refreshing flavor profile and gorgeous fuchsia-color is what makes Rave a category ignitor.
“Thanks to its Honeycrisp-MonArk parentage, Rave’s ultimate advantage is the fact that consumers are seeking out a premium variety with a juicy bite and it is marketed during a window that is not traditionally known for apples, so it catches their eye,” said Shales. “Once they try it, the outrageously juicy bite and refreshing snappy zing brings them back for more.”
Rave comes from a very notable succession line and was developed by the same apple breeder who also developed Honeycrisp and SweeTango varieties at the University of Minnesota. Beyond Stemilt, retailers will also benefit from high-quality Rave apple supplies from Applewood Fresh in Michigan and Yes! Apples in New York.
“Although it’s a short season, we are excited about this year’s crop, nationwide availability, and opportunity to create new Rave fans through the Golden Raves campaign,” said Shales. “While we hope many sign up to play and win, the real reward for us is sharing Rave apples and giving shoppers something to rave about.”