“As an industry, I feel we navigated those waters fairly well, yielding adequate returns to the growers and fair prices to the end consumer,” Beck said. “Maintaining a fiscally sound agronomic plan is what helps keep food on the table and generational farms moving forward.”
Data is showing some slight reductions in acreage for the 2024 crop season, though as it pertains to yields and harvest data, it’s still too early to make any call right now. Still, initial projections are showing a sound crop for 2024.
“Transparency, honesty, and commitment to the process have been key to developing long standing partnerships at Wada Farms,” Beck said. “We’re always open to constructive feedback. We analyze where there are opportunities to improve, develop plans that can be maintained, communicate those changes, and celebrate those successes when positive outcomes are produced.”
Another key to success is embracing change and being dynamically adaptable to meet the customers’ needs.
“We’re okay being comfortable with being uncomfortable,” Beck said. “It allows us to embrace the unfamiliar, challenge the status quo, and find opportunities for growth and learning as a company.”