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New Jersey Agricultural Society names new trustees

The New Jersey Agricultural Society recently welcomed six new people to serve on its board of trustees. They are Marty Bullock of Bullock Farms, who also serves as president of New Jersey's State Board of Agriculture; Laura DePrado of Final Touch Plantscaping; Timothy Willmott of Burlington County Farmland Preservation; Joe Infante of Infante Farms; Erik Mollenhauer, retired, of Educational Information & Resource Center; and Myranda Bond, state treasurer with the New Jersey Future Farmers of America.

All the new trustees attended their first meeting Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, at the EcoComplex in Bordentown, NJ.

Like all the others on the board, the new trustees are elected for three-year terms, and can be re-elected once. The current officers of the society are President Jerry Verrico of KMT Brrr, Vice President Rob Swanekamp of Kube Pak Corp., Secretary Judi Marino of Sun Valley Orchards, Treasurer Steve Makarevich of Farm Credit East and Immediate Past President Noble McNaughton of Indian Mills Nursery.

The New Jersey Agricultural Society is the oldest agricultural organization of its type in the United States. Established in 1781, its mission is to preserve and enhance agriculture, farming and related activities and businesses in New Jersey through educational, informational and promotional programs.

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February 4, 2025
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