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Maurice Auerbach Inc. remains a fixture at NEPC Expo

Keith Loria

Maurice Auerbach Inc., among the largest garlic and specialty produce distributors in the Northeast, sources its diverse product line from around the world. The Secaucus, NJ-based company, under its AuerPak brand, specializes in garlic, shallots and other specialty items, including tropical and Asian produce, as well as organic garlic, asparagus, ginger and tofu.

All of the company’s main products will be showcased at the upcoming New England Produce Council’s annual Produce, Floral, and Food Service Expo.

“We will be exhibiting with four representatives at the booth,” said Bruce Klein, director of marketing for the third-generation, family-owned enterprise. “We feel it’s one of the best shows we do and we’re all looking forward to it.”

The company has been a consistent presence at the expo since its inception and has always found value in attending and exhibiting. After all, the New England market is a crucial factor in the company’s success.

“We always enjoy the show and get to see a lot of the customers that we don’t get to see on a regular basis,” Klein said. “Our success at NEPC comes from creating a booth that attracts participants with a nice display, where we can answer questions about the garlic, ginger and shallot markets.”

Those that stop by the booth will see the majority of items the company deals in, though it won’t be highlighting any one specific product.

“We do like to show our organic items, which we will have at the booth,” Klein said. “We target different customers with different items, especially items we are not selling them.”

Maurice Auerbach Inc. does a lot of business in the New England market, which makes this a must-attend show for the company.

“Whether it’s supermarket retailers, foodservice purveyors or market people, we look forward to talking with all the different buyers who are at the show,” Klein said. “This show has been going on a long time and we feel it’s right in our playground.”

The goals going in start with plenty of networking.

“We’re always looking to expand our business, both with existing customers and possibly some new customers,” Klein said. “We’re seeing people we haven’t seen in a while, and this is a chance for us to get our message out to everyone.”

Strategy sessions for the show begin weeks before the event, with Klein and some of Maurice Auerbach Inc.’s leaders getting together to discuss the best plan of action.

“A lot of thought is put into it,” Klein said. “We have our targeted audience and those we plan to talk to, and we talk business as much as possible.”

Maurice Auerbach Inc., has enjoyed a solid 2024 so far, with some new business coming in.

“We’re keeping sales up which is the best thing we can do,” Klein said. “It’s a lot harder to do business today because of competition but that’s the nature of this business.”

As of late July, the asparagus market is higher than normal, while garlic is a little more expensive than last year, which is impacting sales a bit.

“Unfortunately, most items are going up,” Klein said. “It’s a matter of growers’ costs, transportation and a lot of things involved in procuring product and selling it,” Klein said. “You just have to deal with it; it’s part of doing business now.”

Keith Loria

Keith Loria

About Keith Loria  |  email

A graduate of the University of Miami, Keith Loria is a D.C.-based award-winning journalist who has been writing for major publications for close to 20 years on topics as diverse as real estate, food and sports. He started his career with the Associated Press and has held high editorial positions at magazines aimed at healthcare, sports and technology. When not busy writing, he can be found enjoying time with his wife, Patricia, and two daughters, Jordan and Cassidy.

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