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Market Minute: While some items remain tight, key markets stabilize

Ron Pelger

Weather has delayed a number of fresh produce items throughout the industry making it challenging for ad planning. However, there are also various other items readily available for promotions.

broccoli displayThere is a good supply of bunched broccoli and broccoli crowns available for ad promotion. The quality is excellent, and the market is steady.

On the other hand, cauliflower supplies have decreased and tightened up. The quality is still good, but the market has escalated substantially due to supply and demand.

There is a very good supply of celery available to promote. The quality has been excellent, and markets are steady.

The lettuce supply is lighter, forcing a volatile market. Iceberg is experiencing an elevated market along with some quality drawbacks. Leaf lettuce supply is lighter and the demand on Romaine has become stronger.

Artichokes are peaking with good supplies opening up for some great promotion ads.

Volume has increased on cluster tomatoes with promotable market prices.

Lighter volume of grapes out of Peru and Chile has created a demand-exceeds-supply situation. The supplies are reported to be challenging, which will last until the start of the domestic deal.

Since the markets are fluctuating at this point, it is suggested to stay in steady contact with your suppliers for updated information prior to developing ad programs.

Ron Pelger is a produce industry adviser and industry writer. He can be contacted at 775/843-2394 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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