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Market Minute: Improved tomato supply ready for promoting

Ron Pelger

Inclement weather conditions from past storms heavily damaged the tomato crops in Florida, reducing supplies. That along with a decreased amount out of California and Mexico created a supply-and-demand imbalance. But now the supplies have started to improve along with lower market pricing. Plan to launch attractive tomato advertising promotions and recoup some of those lost sales from this major category.sdf

Get back into the tomato business by setting an endcap display of all varieties and sizes. Snacking tomatoes are consumers' new favorite so make certain you carry all of them. There are several different packages of grape, cherry and mixed colored snacking choices for your customers to purchase. Plan a Gala-Tomato theme with a colorful assortment of varieties in your ad.

Here are some updates on tomato markets:
Central and south Florida tomato production is starting to return to better supplies. Demand is moderate and the market is steady. Volume should pick up during the next few weeks.

Mexico has a new crop and the market is starting to weaken. Quality is looking very good. Snacking, grape and Roma tomatoes are showing a light demand on a steady market.

Since the tomato supply is starting to improve in all growing areas, plan to increase your displays with a full variety of choices for your customers. Put some nice ad promotions together with your suppliers. Be aggressive with your ad and displays — a small amount won’t do the job. Your display must be massive in order to cash in on mega sales.

Ron Pelger is a produce industry adviser and industry writer. He can be contacted at 775/843-2394 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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