CAC ready for California Avocado Month to kick off
The California Avocado Commission initiated its annual June is California Avocado Month marketing program with media outreach and announcement activities in May. The organization continues its What’s Inside a California Avocado advertising and social media campaign spotlighting the California difference and focusing on communication of locally grown and sustainably farmed, and now is doubling down with California Avocado Month marketing support throughout June.
The California Avocado Month activities celebrate the premium fruit’s peak availability throughout the month. “June happens in the heart of California avocado season and is known as California Avocado Month,” said CAC Vice President of Marketing Terry Splane. “It’s the perfect time to celebrate and promote the availability of locally grown and ethically sourced California avocados.”
To spread the news about California Avocado Month, the commission distributed a press release to consumer media targets in late May. CAC also is working with content provider Family Features to spotlight California avocado summer recipes and key brand messaging through story placements with hyperlocal media outlets in targeted markets. The program focuses on securing media coverage with outlets in California, Oregon and Washington, the major distribution markets for California avocados. Combined print and digital reach is expected to exceed 80 million.
Media outreach promoting California avocados in the West is already producing results in local markets. A recent media blitz in Portland to announce California Avocado Month, resulted in an on-air segment on KOIN-TV on May 14. Outreach is ongoing in other targeted markets with a grove tour on tap for a planned KSBY-TV segment in Santa Barbara. In Sacramento, the commission will celebrate California Avocado Month with an influencer event at a Raley’s supermarket featuring in-store sampling, recipe demonstrations and a meet and greet with a California avocado grower, whose harvest is contributing to Raley’s produce departments this season.
Other customized California avocado retail support in June includes in-store activations, signage, display bins, digital advertising and social support all in celebration of California Avocado Month.
“Peak availability of California avocados is expected to continue through the Fourth of July holiday, then taper off through summer,” said Splane. “California avocado growing regions have enjoyed beautiful sunny days lately, and the fruit quality is equally beautiful.”