Market Minute: Asparagus volume improving for promoting
One of the leading high sales item for promoting in the produce department is a perennial flower plant known as asparagus. Yes, if left to keep growing, it will bloom into a greenish white to yellow flower. The edible pieces of the asparagus plant we eat are the spear and tips that are harvested when young and tender. Its healthy nutritional values make it one of the best-selling items, especially for roasting, stir frying and steaming. It is also a good holiday favorite side dish.
Asparagus markets are active. The asparagus fields have been in a transitional phase, which has kept the market higher; however, volume is expected to pick up in southern Peru as more fields open up with new production. Supplies are heavier on standard and small sizes — larger sizes are still in lower supplies. Volume is also expected to increase in Mexico if the weather remains steadily favorable for growing conditions. Supplies are currently on the lighter side until more production can be harvested.
When merchandising asparagus, its’ always better and more attractive to display the bunches standing vertically rather than on its sides. Place the bunches in a tray with only a half inch of clean water to maintain freshness. Change the water regularly to keep it clean and free of any residue.
With this information in mind, now is the time to work with your asparagus suppliers in planning some early promotions. Be ready when the market breaks open.
Ron Pelger is a produce industry adviser and industry writer. He can be contacted at 775/843-2394 or by e-mail at [email protected].